20 yrs old (12/12/02)
transmasc bisexual
he/him, no they
sagittarius sun
pnw, usa

i have some experience with html/css (thank you unrestricted access to the internet ^-^) but that is It so if you think this is a mess it probably is! but its all just good fun so idm if it looks a bit messy.
as for me, the webmaster, my name is milo, but i have a few other names i go by as well. im a sophomore in college + majoring in education, so web design is just fun for me! im transgender and very proud of it. i love music and listening to new songs, i stay mostly with rock and alt rock but im down to listen to whatever!
im also a big horror fan, i watched it (1990) when i was 6 and really it all went downhill from there. I especially love the vibes of older classics, like friday the 13th, halloween, and childs play. also a huge fan of kids horror like goosebumps and are you afraid of the dark!
another thing im really into atm is hockey, i started watching at the beginning of the 2021 season after the seattle kraken were introduced and fell in love with the sport. my main team is the kraken, but i also follow the vancouver canucks, and enjoy watching the pittsburgh penguins and toronto maple leafs (yes i find it funny they havent left the first round of the playoffs since i was born).
- coding :')
- video games
- hockey
- lost media
- horror
- furbies
- halloween
- clowns
- kandi
- transphobes
- harry potter
- brendon urie >:(
- general assholery